Publications - Stained Glass


"Harry Clarke and The Geneva Window", American Glass Guild 2013 Saint Augustine PrePrints

Editor, AGG 2013 Saint Augustine PrePrints


“Kiki Smith and the Eldridge Street Synagogue”, American Glass Guild 2012 Pittsburgh Post-Prints

Editor, AGG 2012 Pittsburgh Post-Prints


“Kiki Smith and the Eldridge Street Synagogue”, Le Vitrail Monumental, Creations de 1980 a 2010, Dossier de la Commission Royale des Monuments, Sites et Fouilles, 14, Colloque International, Corpus Vitrearum, Belgium

Editor, 2009 Buffalo, 2010 Detroit, and 2011 Asheville Pre and Post-Prints, American Glass Guild 


Preface to Strangest Genius – The Stained Glass of Harry Clarke, by Lucy Costigan and Michael Cullen, The History Press, Ireland


Editor, 2008 Philadelphia Conference Pre-Prints, American Glass Guild 


Stained Glass, From Its Origins To The Present, by Virginia Chieffo Raguin, with contribution from Mary Clerkin Higgins (Chapter 2- Origins, Materials, and the Glazier’s Art), Harry N. Abrams, NY 


“The Conservation of the Mocking of Christ from the Convent of Rathausen”, in Glory in Glass, Stained Glass in the United States, Origins, Variety, and Preservation, Virginia Chieffo Raguin.  The American Bible Society, 1998.

 “Walter Cole Brigham and Marine Mosaics”, Preprint Publication of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Working Group, “Glass, Ceramics and Related Materials”, Helsinki, Finland.

“Walter Cole Brigham and Marine Mosaics”, American Institute for Conservation, Objects Specialty Group, Post-print publication.


"Stained Glass Conservation: A Field in Flux" American Institute for Conservation, Objects Specialty Group. 


"Three John La Farge Windows in the Detroit Institute of Arts; Conservation Issues of Glass in the American Opalescent Style" The Census of Stained Glass Windows in America, Inc.


"Harry Clarke and The Geneva Window" Stained Glass Magazine, Spring 1993





NY Landmarks Conservancy, Lucy G. Moses Award – Packer Collegiate Institute Middle School Project


New York Construction, Award of Merit - Lady Chapel Project, Cathedral of St. Patrick       



Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Grant; Helsinki, Finland


Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Grant; Liege, Belgium


National Endowment for the Arts; Apprenticeship, Visual Arts Program; Greenland Studio



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